#Real Life Wonder Woman — Meet Jennifer Lamb-Randolph

Today’s #RealLifeWonderWoman is a rockstar.

I mean literally a rockstar!

The woman can sing.


In fact, she opened for Kid Rock this summer at Moondance Jam in Walker, Minnesota, as the lead singer for Radio Nation. Like so many real life wonder women, she wears many capes. In her case, some of those include: wife, mother, entrepreneur, speaker, boss lady, musician, corporate trainer, fashionista, rule-breaker, daughter and friend. I’m honored to fall into the last category and eager to introduce you to today’s real life wonder woman…Jennifer Lamb-Randolph!

KR: Hi Jenn! Can you tell us what brings you joy and fulfillment?

JLR: First and forever in the lead would be my absolute hero of a husband, and my beautiful children. I am a proud wife and mother!

Next would be the gift of song. I have been singing on a stage since the age of 3. This is my retreat, my refuge, my release. When I have a microphone in my hand and my voice is allowed to unleash, my soul comes with it. It is truly my passion, pleasure, and play!

Last, but not least would be people. You hear it all the time, “I am a people person.” This phrase only touches the surface of how deeply I connect and love people. I have walked down many different paths during my life. If you were to see a snapshot, you would question how all of those could have come from one person. Some dark, some wonderful but all the same I believe it was all in the greater plan and is why I can relate, connect and understand such a diverse number of people. I am someone who connects with just about anyone–and each and every one truly and deeply matter to me. I truly cherish this gift and am grateful for the heart I have for people.

KR: What is one quirky or unique thing about you? 

JLR: I literally go out of my head when I hear someone chewing loudly. I was once in a very important work conference and a gal was chewing her gum so loudly that I did not hear one thing the entire time. My heart was racing and I may have been having a slight anxiety attack because I could not handle the sound and it was not appropriate for me to leave!

I am a rule breaker, a strong willed soul, an out of the box thinker, and I typically am doing everything opposite of what is traditional. (I sincerely feel sorry for my bosses. They have their hands full with me! For some reason the have still kept me around!)

KR: What is one of your super powers?

JLR: I stated how much I adore and love people, but I would say the “superpower” I hold in this is that daily I meet new people who upon meeting me will out of nowhere open up and disclose their soul and their story to me. It goes so deep that even they are confused and surprised at what comes out! Also, I am a magnet for children. Every baby or child I meet is drawn to me. I’ve had little ones reach out to me and want me to hold them as their mother tells me “they do not like strangers” or “they are very shy.” I honestly like it so much. I think they can see my soul and they know I am good. If I had to say it in one statement, I would say my super power is my connection to people.

KR: Jenn, I know you’ve been working super hard on your latest business venture. As an entrepreneur, I’m so excited for you! What can you tell our readers about i.V.Life? 

JLR: I have struggled with an internal feeling of purpose for quite some time. I have fallen down avenues of self destruction and depression. I have made almost every mistake and poor choice one could make. However, one thing has always remained strong: my want and will to become a better version of myself along with helping others in their mission to do so. I have read countless self development books, attended dozens of seminars, immersed myself in diets, plans, and programs that were supposed to help me in this feat, yet always came up short, bored, or losing interest as I focused on one area of development. I am a mover. I need direction. Specific direction. Simple, easy to follow guidance that fits the busy lifestyle I lead. This was the beginning of i.V.Life. A program developed that is action-based, short increments, mixing things up so one does not become bored, as well as providing a community for support and encouragement.

My philosophy is that in order to truly move forward you must move ALL of yourself in that direction. Not just focus on one particular area. This program is a 4-month challenge that will ignite ALL areas of your life encouraging you to MOVE, ACT, ACKNOWLEDGE, as well as it will encourage you to REST, REGAIN, and REVITALIZE your life. The program i.V.Life stands for “inner view.” This is a challenge that will explore all areas of mind, body and spirit to ignite momentum and results. In addition to developing a program, I found the need to provide a PLACE for busy people like myself to go and find a release. We are currently in the process of building a facility that will embrace all areas of ones peace, mindset and movement. Not only will we provide a course you may attend that can help change your direction, but we will also be providing ways to continue that through yoga, massage, personal development sessions, as well as a retail side that will embrace and enhance your movement. My vision is to provide an escape for the busy, lost or stagnant. I want a place that offers multiple avenues of rejuvenation for your life. This is all in its newborn phase but mind you my friends, WE ARE MOVING fast to get this established!

I am excited to offer to you what it is that I have been yearning for. In building this company I am not only helping others move, but I am helping myself at the same time creating what it is I have longed to find. For those of you who are on the “too busy” list, we will provide what we call “quick connects.” They will be 30-minute sessions with a personal development coach for a very affordable price. Have a coffee, let some steam off, and get on with your day feeling better than ever! I am very excited to open up this facility and to launch this program full scale. I am grateful for this journey, its message and the tools this will provide. Our program will be published and released by spring 2019 and our facility is planned to open its doors late summer or early fall.

Welcome to i.V.Life…where we help you ignite your passion, discover your purpose and give you the tools to do something about it!

Click HERE to learn more about i.V.Life

KR: Can you tell us about an influential woman in your life and how she inspired you?

JLR: Wow. That is so incredibly hard to have to choose one. In fact, I don’t like that at all! I have had so many smart, beautiful, and grace-filled women take my hand and guide me in this life that I am overwhelmed with gratitude. I honestly do not feel at peace saying only one name, as ALL of these women have formed me, guided me, and reminded me of who I could be and who I am. So I must list them. I am sorry. I am a rule breaker as I previously stated. Here it goes: My mother, sister, my second mother named “Kat,” Kari Smith, the Vice President of Buckle, Michelle Pape of Next Monday, my team of women who have supported me and still do to this day. Honestly, every single woman I have met and have heard their stories have stuck with me in some way. Then, now, and will always. Women need other women. Period.

>KR: If you could have one super-human power, what would it be?

JLR: Ha! See into the future! I spend far too much time analyzing how things will go and weighing what I believe the outcome of things will be. Sometimes I obsess over it and it really can hold me back and paralyze me. So, I am aware this is not a “positive” thing to ask for, but if you want honesty and I could have it today…well ladies…that is what I would pick.

Oh! One more! I’m on a streak of breaking rules so why not?! I would keep my children young forever. I don’t want them to grow up!

>KR: Knowing what you know at this stage of your life, what words of wisdom would you give to your 20-year-old self?

JLR: This one literally has tears welling up in my eyes. That broken, lost, and beautiful girl. Trying to conquer the world and hardening her shell with every hurt she came across. She was such a fighter. She loved everyone but herself. First, I would hold her. I would love her, because she never loved herself. Then I would tell her to “let go.” Lastly, would tell her that EVERYTHING is going to be alright. More than alright. Her life will be beautiful and breathtaking. (wow…tears are flowing ladies…guess this one dug deep!)

If you’d like to know Jenn better, she will be singing and speaking at the STRONG(her) Empowerment Event in St. Cloud on February 1-3, 2019.
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