#RealLifeWonderWoman–Meet Chrissy Gaetke

She’s bold. She’s bright. She can leap tall buildings in a…wait!

Well, maybe she can’t leap buildings, but she can eloquently and professionally report the local news and interview guests on live radio. She’s got the gift of gab and knows how to use it.

Today’s #RealLifeWonderWoman is living her dream as a news reporter and talk show host. I had the pleasure of meeting her a few weeks ago when she interviewed me on her radio show, Rush Hour. She was a gracious and delightful host, who immediately put me at ease with her warm smile and professional confidence. (You can listen to that interview by clicking on the link at the end of this blog post).

I’m excited to introduce you to today’s #RealLifeWonderWoman, the super-talented Ms. Chrissy Gaetke!

Chrissy and her dog, Morgan.

KR: Welcome, Chrissy! Can you tell us what brings you joy and fulfillment?

CG: I find joy in many aspects of my life, but my family is the biggest supplier. On a daily basis my family is always surprising me or encouraging me to be my best. 

My work also brings me joy. Being a news reporter, I have opportunities that many will never have in their lifetime. I get to tell someone else’s story, I get to share with the world who that person is and why they are special. I had a journalism teacher that once told me that a journalist’s job is to give a voice to those who aren’t being heard. That really is what my job is, I’m given the chance to let someone talk through me. They allow me to tell their story. I’ve been able to do thousands of interviews but the ones that bring me the most joy are the ones that touch me and my audience on a personal level. 

Chrissy hard at work with Rush Hour co-host, Richard.

KR: What about your goals and dreams for the future?

CG: As for my own dreams, well one has already been achieved – becoming a reporter and having my own talk show. However, my goal at this point would to be to grow in my career. When I think of dreams, I think mostly of career goals and family goals. For my family, I can’t wait to get married. I’ve been with my boyfriend for a number of years and I’m so excited to be able to plan my dream wedding, buy a house, start a family and just enjoy that next stage in my life. I know it’s around the corner. I think to be able to fully have joy you have to believe in yourself and your abilities. I’m a Christian, and I know my sense of joy wouldn’t be the same without God. I ultimately credit him with the amount of happiness and love I have in my life. 

All dressed up with her boyfriend.

KR: What do you like to do in your free time?

CG: I enjoy cooking and baking, decorating, event planning, playing tennis, shopping (especially for antiques) and wine tasting.

KR: We all have inner superpowers. What are some of yours? 

CG: I have this ability to talk to people through difficult and stressful situations. As some of my family members would say, I have a wise way of choosing words (sometimes – not always). I’m also a good listener. For being an extrovert and talking for a living, many people often think that I wouldn’t be a good listener because I don’t fit the “quiet and reserved” characteristics, but that’s not true. I can go from talking up a storm to being the quiet person. I’m a very bold person. I’m not afraid to strike up conversations with strangers or give someone a random compliment. I like being bold, outgoing and straight forward. 

KR: Can you tell us about an influential woman in your life and how she inspired you?

CG: Can I?! Of course! My mom, is no doubt the most influential woman in my life. From the time I was born to right now my mom is always taking me to school and inspiring me to be a strong, independent woman. My mom is my best friend, growing up with two older brothers, she was more like a sister.

If you’ve ever seen the show Gilmore Girls, my mom and I are like Lorelei and Rory, even down to the having the same name part. My mom, Chris, was a working mom when I was kid. Often she’d let me go to work with her and see what it was like to run multi-million dollar shoe stores. For over a decade, she worked in the shoe business and because of this I learned how to walk in heels in the 2nd grade. My mom and my dad never limited me in what I could do and always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. I was always asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up.” “What are your dreams?” “What do you want to get out of life?” I think her (and my dad) just asking me these questions as a kid inspired me to be a high achiever. 

Savoring summer (and sweet corn) with her mom.

KR: If you could have one super-human power, what would it be? 

CG: To fly! Who wouldn’t want to fly? Imagine the money you would save on travel! I envy birds. 

KR: Knowing what you know at this stage of your life, what words of wisdom would you give to your 16-year-old self?

CG: I would tell her to hold in there. At 16, my life was changing so rapidly and high school was difficult sometimes. I would tell her to keep praying and you’ll be okay. I don’t believe in regrets, I believe my choices have shaped who I am today. If I didn’t make those choices, I would be a different person. 

Want to learn more about Chrissy? Tune into AM1240 WJON weeknights from 5-6 and join Chrissy for the Rush Hour show. 

Click on on the PLAY button below to listen to our Back To School interview.

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