A Different Perspective on Self-Care

Get a massage. Drink a green smoothie. Slip into a bubble bath. Eat dark chocolate. Read a book. Light a scented candle. Walk five miles. Smear on a mud mask. All in the name of self-care. Self-care is one of today’s buzzwords. Spend just two minutes on Pinterest or Instagram and you’ll see the latest self-care must-dos being thrust into

#RealLifeWonderWoman — Meet Hannah Lucas

I first learned about today’s #RealLifeWonderWoman when I saw an article written about how she and her brother created an app to help kids in crisis. The notOK app is essentially a panic button that sends a text to trusted contacts when a user needs support. But it was the story behind the story that made me want to meet

Anxiety and college students

College can be stressful. Students must juggle school, work, friends, and finances, all while trying to figure out the trajectory of the rest of their lives. Feelings of loneliness, uncertainty and isolation can overwhelm even the most well-prepared students. They become stressed. Anxious. As adults, we know anxiety is a normal part of everyday life. It is often a natural