How can journaling help you?

What do you think of when you hear the word JOURNAL?  Is it a sticker-covered notebook filled with your childhood scribbles? Flowers, hearts, rainbows, and peace signs? Or is it a lock-and-key diary where your wrote your deepest feelings about your first boyfriend? And hid it under your mattress, of course.  (Mine was orange with a little gold key. 🔑

Rethinking Resolutions — My POWER WORDS for 2020

1. I’m going to only eat green leafy things and give up wine, cheese and chocolate so I can lose 25 pounds by February.  2. I will write 3 poignant and creative blog posts a week. 3. I will achieve work-life balance in 2020. I used to make New Year’s resolutions like the ones above. And I often gave up on